This is Oxford Road

We took to the streets to speak to residents so that we could understand how people feel about Oxford Road. We wanted to learn about the community in Oxford Road, how people use the street and hear people's ideas about how to make improvements. We listened and mapped out what we had been told. This will give us ideas about the work that needs to be done here and the changes people will value.


This drawing represents the main ideas for Oxford Road as gathered through the various street consultation exercises to date

Listen up.

Hear what the people out and about on Oxford Road had to say about it…


“Maybe more greenery, more flowers. It would make the area more vibrant- Oxford Road has a bad rep. Flowers would make the street more welcoming and put a smile on peoples face.”

Snippets from the interviews


“Find a way to represent the diversity and richness of Oxford Road”

“A Nice green space. It would be good to have more trees on Oxford road. We would like to see a green space. Somewhere people can meet, rest and talk to their friends. “

“There is a problem after 3pm. A lot of homeless people outside my shop. Drinking and shouting”

“The parking is bad for business. It used to be free for the first half an hour, now people have to pay. My customers are really angry. It’s a tax on the poor man”

“ More green areas, more trees. It looks nice and is good for health as well”

“Its great when the council puts on events. It is great for the community, everyone loves it. We need more events.”

“Deal With the pavements from the top to the bottom. The pavements are dangerous. We have clients fall down on their way in, because the pavements are so uneven”

“Litter and bins on Oxford road. It’s a real problem. People drop litter, the bins are overflowing. There are rats. Yes RATS!”

“It would be great if we could use the space outside our shop. It would be good for the community”

“I’ve been to other countries and seen shops with plants outside it looks really nice. It could work here. If people treated them with respect. Maybe. It would look nice.”

“Maybe more greenery, more flowers. It would make the area more vibrant- Oxford Road has a bad rep. Flowers would make the street more welcoming and put a smile on peoples face.”

“Maybe each shop owner could choose a flower and put a little card outside their shop saying where the flower comes from and how to grow it?”


Have your say about Oxford Road

Please submit your comments by 5pm on Friday 15th July